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Year 5

Summer Term


Children will continue to develop their knowledge of Excel.
In the second half of the term, they will look at hyperlinked presentations in PowerPoint for non-linear navigation.


Music - Identifying Musical Elements:
Read time signatures and explore rhythmic patterns.
Learn the ukulele; composing, improvising and performing.
Explore using instruments and voice.

Study the work of street artists, e.g. Banksy and Basquiat.
Use their experiences and knowledge of Street Art to inspire their own art in any form, taking inspiration from Basquiat or Banksy.

Design Technology – Fabric:
Use a sewing machine effectively and safely.
Design and make a personalised beanie hat, including a range of machine stitching, a hem and hand-sewn detail.

Food Tech:
Learn about food hygiene to wash up efficiently.
Prepare some basic foods, practise measuring, peeling and chopping.
What makes a healthy lunch box?

Ergonomics (3D glasses) - children will use their measuring skills to create their own 3D glasses.


The importance of self-esteem and mental health in relation to online gaming and Social Media.
We will look at the dangers of being online.

Changing Me:
Learn more about puberty in both girls and boys, pupils will also understand that sexual intercourse can lead to conception. We will continue to look at body image and self-esteem.


Spelling & Handwriting:
Continue exploring KS2 spelling rules and a fluent joined style of writing.

Comparing and using fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts to; make connections, sequence and recall, retrieve information and implied meaning, further develop scanning and skimming speed and fluency.
Using evidence from texts to support our ideas.

Two week focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Book study of 'The Longest Night of Charlie Noon' by Christopher Edge.
Narrative writing based on the picture book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker, creating narratives for the book.
Writing letters to our teachers to enquire about Year 6, showcasing what we have learnt.


Family, Pets & Describing Yourself:
Explore spoken French phrases, answer simple questions, understand and read familiar written phrases and write phrases to describe themselves.


Natural Resources:
Why we need natural resources to produce power.
We will look at a range of natural resources including renewable and non-renewable.


Crime & Punishment:
Crime and punishment across time periods - Anglo-Saxons to present day.
Comparing different time periods and societies, using different sources to organise information and exploring key historical figures.


Calculate With Whole Numbers & Decimals:
Use all four operations to solve measuring problems with decimal notation and scaling.
Solve problems with numbers to three decimal places.
Use written methods to multiply two numbers.
Multiply and divide whole numbers and those with decimals by 10, 100 & 1000.

2D & 3D Shapes:
Know ‘regular’ refers to shapes with equal sides.
Know the properties of common 2D shapes (including angle sizes and lengths) and 3D shapes, including 2D shapes as faces of 3D shapes.

Know ‘volume’ is measured in cubed cm (m, km etc.) and involves multiplication.
Know ‘capacity’ is the total amount something can hold, recognise and use cube numbers and the notation.


Activities to develop confidence and expertise, providing opportunity to develop resilience and a commitment to improve.

Kwik Cricket & Rounders:
Play in a competitive game, identifying improvements.
Know and follow rules.
Select and combine skills and techniques in batting and fielding.

Develop skills needed to serve and return a shot in a game.


Exploring how far a Sikh would go for their religion followed by a unit on how sacred teachings and stories are interpreted by Sikhs today.


Earth & Space:
Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies, the movement of the Earth and planets, as well as the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth.
Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night.

Living Things & Their Habitats:
Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals, the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird.
Understand that not all mammals have the same life cycle.
Compare the process of metamorphosis in amphibians and insects.
Know the importance of documenting living things and their decline.