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Academy Values

At Biggleswade Academy, we hold our strong moral and intellectual virtues at the centre of everything we do.

Together with our Habits of Learning: Being Safe, Being Caring and Being Positive, our virtues underpin our learning and teaching and provide us with the opportunity to work in an environment which prepares all our pupils as confident and happy citizens, ready to take on the challenges life has to offer.

We encourage all members of the Biggleswade Academy family to work within these virtues:


  • Aspiring to be the best we can possibly be; and know what this looks like
  • Encouraging our peers and colleagues to aspire to be the best they can possibly be.
  • Aspiring to achieve the highest outcomes possible


  • Not giving up, especially when things are difficult
  • Embracing the challenges of learning at a high level
  • Supporting each other to achieve


  • Doing the right thing, even when no-one is watching
  • Being honest with yourself and others, even when in the wrong
  • Having strong moral principles


  • Accept that others have the right to hold different views, values and opinions from ours
  • Behave towards others as we would like them to behave towards us
  • Understand that we are all different from one another and that this is ok
  • Respect ourselves, others and the environment
  • Show kindness, compassion and consideration to all others

In addition to the above virtues the Academy supports and promotes British values:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.